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Q: Why do you think the founders of the United States borrowed ideas from the roman government?
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What is a state in which the citizens choose representatives to run the government?

The type of government in which citizens choose representatives to run the government is a representative government. This is the type of government that the United States borrowed from Greece once their independence from Great Britain was obtained.

Who are the founders of federalism?

In the United States: Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

Who establishs the right of individual American citizens that the government must respect?

The rights of the individual were established the founders of the country. This means the men who wrote the Constitution of the United States.

Did the founders of the American government made elected officials answerable to the people?

Their are many different opinions and answers to that question. I believe they did, because that is why the Constitution of the United States of America clearly states in the preamble"We the people."

Who does Sabato suggest is responsible for political problems in the US?

founders of the united states

Where did the ancestors of the US come from?

The founders of the United States came from Great Britain.

Which of these founders favored a strong national government and a loose interpretation of the United states constitution?

My best guess would be Alexander Hamilton. I'm not 100 percent sure about this though :)

What is the official religion in us?

There is no "official" religion in the United States where religion must be separated from government pursuant the the United States Constitution.There is no "official" religion in the United States where religion must be separated from government pursuant the the United States Constitution.There is no "official" religion in the United States where religion must be separated from government pursuant the the United States Constitution.There is no "official" religion in the United States where religion must be separated from government pursuant the the United States Constitution.

What economic problems did government government face?

united states had borrowed millions of dollars from France Netherlands and Spain withen the united states merchants and other private citizins had loaned money to the government. state governments also had wartime debts to pay back .by 1789 the national debt totaled up to more than 52 million dollars.

The founders wanted to make sure the United States did not have an official what?

I think they may be talking about religion.

Why does the founders of the US decide to take a census?

So they can see how much people there is in United States

What is an example of a government?

The United States government