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why do think this is ..??..LOL..:P bye!

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Q: Why do you think the parish church is an important part of the community?
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Does Europe have parishes?

The word parish can mean different things. In terms of an area associated with a church, then Europe has parishes. In terms of districts, like in Louisiana, then they would be known by different names, depending on what country you are in. So your answer is yes, though maybe not in the way you think of a parish.

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What priest is a pastoral?

So not sure if this is correct - and I would really like an answer to this question myself, but I believe it refers to the priest's main focus. Pastoral I think is being concerned mainly with the immediate church family and immediate community. In contrast, ecumenical means they are not just concerned with the local church but more concerned about Christians all over the world. I would love to know what the main focus of an administrative style of priest is if any one knows the answer.Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no "pastoral" priest, as such, in the Catholic Church. There is a pastor, which is a priest who is in charge of a parish. All the other priests assigned to that parish would be assistants or associates, but one priest is placed in charge by the bishop and has canonical responsibility for the welfare of the souls in his parish, that would be the pastor.

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i think it is imprtant because it is making our coumnity clean

What do you call the protestant's church?

A church, same as any. catholic churches, i think are sometimes called parishes, right? they're all gatherings of people, of followers/believers, so they mean essentially the same thing. The parish is the area that a church covers, eg villages, towns or cities, so they do not mean the same thing as a church.

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Separation of Church and State is important because we have to remember the way Law and the Constitution sees us in general.

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Because you're in church and praying. It's important to think about other people as well.

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Because religion play little or no role on many people lives. it was important to medieval people because if they obaed the church they would go to hell

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Policeman I think there are a number of occupations important to a community like Teacher(s) shop owners doctor(s) dentists electricians plumbers carpenters mechanics and the list goes on

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I don't think English is the most important language. I guess it's important in America if you want to communicate or translate but I think Arabic is the most important language because it is the language the Quran is written in.

What is the person who is in charge of an orphange called?

I don't think there is a specific title these days and the name "orphanage" is itself usually not used, being replaced with "Children's Home" etc. Centuries ago it may have been more formalized. In Charles Dickens' classic book Oliver Twist, the orphanage was run by a superintendent (Mrs. Mann), but a "Beadle" (Mr. Bumble) oversaw the operation. A Beadle was a parish constable of the Anglican Church, often charged with duties of charity like overseeing the parish the parish orphanage and workhouse.