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Q: Why do you think the use of sea routes weakened meroe?
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The location of meroe helped the kush's economy grow

Why was their a need to find sea routes to India?

It was a need to find sea routes for easy transport of trades like black pepper

What is the importance of sea routes?

The importance of sea routes is to keep product and passengers safe while traveling on the sea. A sea route that follows the Tradewinds, makes it possible for ships to travel with the wind at their backs to reduce fuel consumption or maximize the use of sails. Sea routes also make it possible to reach destinations sooner.

How India was connected to rest of the world through sea routes and air routes?

write about alluvial soil.

Can you get from Thailand to UK without flying?

Yes. There are overland routes and sea routes that will take you from Thailand to the U.K.

What type of people traveled to foreign lands as sea routes opened?

It was usually merchants who traveled to foreign lands when the sea routes opened. Having access to sea routes and ships allowed them to trade their merchandise in foreign countries in return for items they had never seem before.

The western extent of caravan routes was?

the Caspian Sea

What are the trade routes of the Phoenicians?

Throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

What motivated colonization for southeast Asia?

Sea Routes

How did development of the silk roads and increased sea trade contribute to the expansion of Indian commerce?

The land routes were supplemented by sea routes which extended from the Red Sea to East Africa, India, China, and Southeast Asia. In the late Middle Ages, transcontinental trade over the land routes of the Silk Road declined as sea trade increased.

Major sea routes of the world?

There are many major sea routes that are used to get around the world. Some of them are Honolulu to San Francisco, San Fransiciso to Yokohama, and London to Colon.

What is the medditerranean sea?

sea between europe and africa that people used to use as trade routes