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Q: Why do you turn your wheels away from the curb?
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How do you park on a hill?

uphill turn front wheels away from curb downhill turn front wheels into the curb this is to avoid the car rolling away

When parking uphill on a curb what way do you face your wheels?

Turn your wheels away from the curb, that way if the car somehow starts to roll, the wheels will hit the curb and stop it.

Should your wheels be turned to or away from the curb when parked?

Your front wheels should be turned so that, if your car were to roll it would turn into the curb. If your car is facing downhill, the front wheels should be turned into the curb. If your car is facing uphill, your front wheels should be turned away from the curb.

Which way should you turn your wheels when there is no curb?

Headed either uphill or downhill when there is no curb, turn the wheels so the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail.

Which way should you turn your wheels when parking facing uphill where there is a curb which way should your turn them where there is not a curb?

if you parking uphill you turn your wheel towards the curb and if you parking down hill you turn it away

Which way should you turn your wheels where there is not a curb?

Turn your wheels to the right, downhill or uphill, if there is no curb.

When you park on a hill which way do you turn the wheel?

When facing down the hill - turn the wheels toward the curb when facing up the hill - turn the wheel away from the curb

How should you park on a hill?

When parking uphill with a curb, turn your wheels away from the curb and set the parking brake. When parking uphill without a curb, turn your wheels towards the edge of the road or shoulder and use the parking brake. When parking downhill with a curb, turn your wheels towards the curb and use the parking brake. When parking downhill without a curb, turn your wheels towards the edge of the road or shoulder and use the parking brake.

Parking uphill with no curb?

wheels away from curb

When parking your car on a hill with no curb which way do you turn your wheels left or right?

Answer depends on whether you are faced uphill or downhill. Facing downhill, turn your wheels towards the shoulder, so that a rolling vehicle goes off the road on that side. facing uphill, turn wheels AWAY from shoulder, so that a vehicle rolling backwards will go off the side.

What direction should you turn your wheels when parking uphill with a curb?

When parking uphill with a curb, turn the back of wheels

When parking up hill with no curb which way do you turn your wheels?

Turn the wheel so that the car will roll away from traffic.