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Q: Why do you use sulphuric acid in titration of oxalate ion?
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Why sulfuric acid is used in Redox titration instead of HCl?

Because sulphuric acid is non volatile and its sulphate ion is not interfering during the titration process while HCl is a volatile substance and its chloride ion interfere in the reaction as a reducing agent.

What can be the viva questions on oxalate ions?

Oxalates are salts of oxalic acid containing oxalate ion. Oxalate ion is a dianion. Upon protonation, oxalate ion forms a commonly known compound, oxalic acid. The commonly known oxalate salts are sodium oxalate, potassium oxalate etc. The calcium metal ion reacts with oxalate ion to form an insoluble precipitate of calcium oxalate, which is the primary constituent of most of the common kind of Kidney stones.

Is the sulfate ion the conjugate base of sulphuric acid?

Yes, it is, another conjugate base of sulphuric acid is bisulphate ion, HSO4

What ion is C2O42?

Oxalate ion

Role of phosphoric acid in dichrometry titration?

The phphoric acid is used to form stable complexes with Fe3+ ion

SO42- acid or base?

It contains the hydroxide ion, making it a base.

What is a Scientific name for Sulfuric acid?

You have answered the question for yourself. The scientific name is 'Sulphuric Acid' . It known universally as sulphuric acid. The US spelling is 'sulfuric acid'. The formula is 'H2SO4'. Do NEITHER confuse with 'sulphurous acid'. This is an entirely different substance. Its formula is 'H2SO3'. NOR 'fuming sulphuric acid (oleum) , the formula is 'H2S2O7' .

What causes a precipitate to form when barium hydroxide solution and sulphuric acid are mixed?

The barium ion in barium hydroxide and sulfate ion in sulfuric acid combine to form barium sulfate, which is insoluble in water.

What are different types of titration?

There are several types of titration techniques, including acid-base titration (determining the concentration of an acid or base), redox titration (determining the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents), complexometric titration (determining the metal ion concentration using a complexing agent), and precipitation titration (determining the concentration of a dissolved substance by precipitating it).

Chemical formula for sulphate?

Sulphuric Acid No - H2SO4 is sulphuric acid. SO4 on its own like this is sulphur tetroxide SO4 2- would be the sulphate ion.

Why is sulphurous acid considered a weak acid while sulphuric acid is a strong acid?

in sulphurous acid sulphur atom is surrounded by three oxygen atoms and has a lone pair of electrons so the electrons pairs of O-H bonds are not attracted towards sulphur and hydrogen can not be removed as H+ ion,the lone pair of sulphur is also responsible to attract the separated H+ ion,therefore the removal of H+ ion from sulphurous acid is not easy and it is a weak acid, in sulphuric acid sulphur is surrounded by four oxygen atoms and has no lone pair of electrons.

Ferrous oxalate reaction with potassium permanganate?

Potassium permangante, being a very strong oxidizing agent, oxidizes both the Fe2+ ion and the oxalate ion. Redox reactions are shown below: Oxalate oxidation: 2MnO4- + 16H+ + 5C2O42- ---> 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2 Iron(II) oxidation: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Fe2+ ---> Mn2+ + 4H2O + 5Fe3+ Moreover, if one needs to determine the exact percentage of oxalate and ferrous ions in solution, a titration is carried out using the permanganate, which will react with both the oxalate and ferrous ions. But, the carbon dioxide is liberated from the soution now, and zinc is added whch reduces the Iron(III) back to Iron(II). Another titration is then carried out using the permanganate, which gives a reading for the Iron(II) in solution only.