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they use the poision to kill each auther

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Q: Why do you use the defence mechanisms of plants?
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What purpose do defence mechanisms serve?

people tend to use defence mechanisms to protect themselves from anxiety

How do people use defence mechanisms?

to protect themselves against criticism or other harsh treatment.

Discuss defence mechanisms andcorresponding coping mechanism about the psychosexual stages?

discuss defence mechanism

Does defence mechanisms help the ego cope with anxiety?


What are porcupines defence mechanisms?

porcupines defense mechanism is that they can shoot out their quills

Described as attemps to bring temporary relief from a stressful situation?

defence mechanisms

How can you explain splitting and dissociation?

Word dissociation is used primary in chemistry, while splitting is more "common" word, used in ordinary speaking about things, food, plants, etc.But the meaning is the same. Defence mechanisms were first analized by Freud,and later by his dauhter Anna Freud, who analized "ego-defence-systems", while her father didn´t use exactly the word defence mechanisms of self structure.There is a big difference.Vaillant ( his look on the matter used APA) explain dissociation as primitive defence system, after sexuall abuse. Many authors claimed that self structure is subjective self and depends also on gender and environment. So what defence against any kind of abuse, not only sexuall the personality use is based on subjective and unique SELF.And one important thought: There is a big difference between self defence systems and defence systems of ego.

All plants and animals have mechanisms that what?

All plants and animals have mechanisms that repair their bodies and reproduce.

What is the main function of the immun system?

The immune system plays an important role in the body's defence mechanisms. It destroys and eliminates the pathogens that invade our bodies.

Are there any quotes for ego defence mechanisms in lord of the flies?

Denial. Jacks Denial to be rescue someday.

What are the 4 defense mechanisms of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Isolation, Undoing, reaction formation are the main three defence mechanisms for OCD. Magical thinking is another mechanism associated with OCD.

Do rattle snakes eat lizerd?

I guess they could if they had the chance and if the lizards defence mechanisms are not too dangerous for the rattlesnake.