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i have no idea......but, when you do find out, let me know. I have been waking up at 3am. for 20 years now........ not 2:59 or 4:01...but 3:00 AM EVERY SINGLE NIGHT/MORNING. What gives? ANYONE OUT THERE 'KNOW' ANYTHING ABOUT THIS 'ISSUE'?

some paranormal reserchers say that 3 am is the "witching hour" Some say, that 3 am is when the demons come out and play. i think your body is just acting weird. You might want to try going to bed later. say your going to bed at 9 pm, you wake up at 3 am. consider going to bed at 12:00( inow it sounds stupid), so you wake up at 5 am. maybe your body just has a "sleep limit"

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Q: Why do you wake every morning at 3am i try taking sleep aids and even tried sleeping really late but as soon as the clock is 3am-307am...i am up.?
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