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well my ex narcissist is now with a new source who has two children. I don't have any. He has two children also - one doesn't speak to him and he seems reluctant to spend too much of his precious time with the other one so I was astounded to hear he is with a woman with two kids! He says this is good for him as she doesn't demand too much of his attention so he can, and I quote, "come and go as he pleases". I unfortunately work with my ex narc so hear certain things about his new source. I hear that she has a new BMW car which she has added him onto the insurance of so he can drive it. When we were together I was buying a new car and i told him I really wanted a BMW but couldn't afford it.. I also hear that next week they are going to Amsterdam for a short break (i told him i wanted to go to Amsterdam)... funny how I am hearing these things! Are they true or just what he wants me to hear? He gives this information to the biggest gossip at work by the way!! Is he doing it to hurt me? Time will tell I suppose. I wonder what else I will hear... Is he doing this to get me to come back to him? I don't think so. I think he is just doing it to try to hurt me because I rejected him. He heard that I was quite upset when I found out he was with someone new and he began to be ever so nice to me after that. Simply because this knowledge gave him supply from me. He felt great around me again! Especially as, since we split, I have been totally appathetic around him, showing no signs of emotion. Now he had something from me... So as I say, I'm not sure she's a pawn to get me to go back to him as I don't think I'm a good enough source, ie I don't adulate and show absolute attention to his every whim. I simply began to show too much emotion and this they can't handle... Very weird creatures who are best avoided at all costs as soon as you see the red flags. If he is wanting me to go back he is gonna have a long wait!

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Q: Why do you want to go back to your narcissist ex that you dumped now that he has someone else Is she a pawn to get you to come back to him?
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If they really loved you and miss you, yes.This makes no sense. A narcissist is not capable of loving or missing someone. They would only come back if they needed narcissistic supply.Everything can happen with them. i would say yes but only if their life at that moment is dull and empty then they would come back to drive you crazy again ....and there the cicle starts again they never change Some are so self inflated that they think how is possible that she would forget a Great guy like me i will teach her.....

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