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Young Men and Women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders, sometimes because they're nervous about something so they just eat what they have near them. Many develop eating disorders because they feel that they're not perfect. they have to look this good in order for people to them to like them. And because they can be made fun because of their weight and how they look. That's how anorexia comes into play.

That's a reason that young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders.

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Q: Why do young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors or disorders?
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What percent of girls develop eating disorders AFTER seeing a makeup ad?

i don't think anyone has actually ever researched this, but, many girls (and men) develop eating disorders because they think they are not beautiful, over weight, an outcast in some cases.. Eating disorders, like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating, are becoming increasingly prevalent throughout western countries. According to US estimates from The National Institute of Mental Health, between 5 per cent and 10 per cent of girls and women (i.e. 5-10 million people) and 1 million boys and men suffer from eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or other associated dietary conditions. Estimates suggest that as many as 15 percent of young women adopt unhealthy attitudes and behaviors about food.

What God say about eating disorders?

The Bible talks about the body being the temple of the holy spirit. Keeping it healthy is God honoring. Eating disorders are, no matter what people say, unhealthy.

How ais self-esteen related to some eating disorders?

many people who develop eating disorders also have very low self esteem

What is the most common element in eating disorders?

weight losscontrolan unhealthy perception of how a person thinks they look

Should a child be concerned with weight loss?

Weight loss should never be the concern of a child, but the parents. Children that are pressured about weight loss tend to develop an unhealthy self image and may lead to eating disorders.

What are some environmental and economic factors that contribute to eating behaviors?

Availability of fresh fruit and vegetables, the number of liquor stores and the number of fast-food chain restaurants in the local neighborhood are a few examples of environmental factors which contribute to eating behaviors. It could also be argued that the constant advertising we see for unhealthy beverages such as soft drinks and unhealthy fast food also influences eating behaviors as well.

Of 100 people how many develop eating disorders?

0.5 The common statistic is that 1 in every 200 will develop on eating disorder of some kind. (Anorexia, Bulimia, EDNOS, Binge-Eating, Compulsive Eating, Over-Eating, ect.)

How many males vs females will develop an eating disorder?

For eating disorders, 1 male with suffer for every 9 females. If there were 100 people with eating disorders, 10 would be men and 90 would be women.

What are health-inhibiting behaviors?

Doing things that are bad for your health. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, not exercising, lots of things.

What factors may contribute to an eating disorder?

People with an eating disorder spend all of their time thinking about food and their weight. They do not socialize. They do not develop their social skills or learn how to deal with the opposite gender. They get off into a corner by themselves and they do not develop. All they have left is the eating disorder.

Are eating disorders a lifestyle choice?

While the initial behaviors defining eating disorders such as starving oneself, excess food consumption, and purging are voluntary behaviors, it only becomes an eating disorder when the person has little control over these actions and develops anxieties about their bodies, their weight, and food. However, after developing an eating disorder and recognizing it, if the person does not seek help or try to end the behavior when resources are available they are choosing to live with or fully embracing their eating disorder. At that point they have chosen their eating disorder as their lifestyle.