

Of 100 people how many develop eating disorders?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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0.5 The common statistic is that 1 in every 200 will develop on eating disorder of some kind. (Anorexia, Bulimia, EDNOS, Binge-Eating, Compulsive Eating, Over-Eating, ect.)

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Q: Of 100 people how many develop eating disorders?
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How ais self-esteen related to some eating disorders?

many people who develop eating disorders also have very low self esteem

How many males vs females will develop an eating disorder?

For eating disorders, 1 male with suffer for every 9 females. If there were 100 people with eating disorders, 10 would be men and 90 would be women.

Why do young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors or disorders?

Young Men and Women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders, sometimes because they're nervous about something so they just eat what they have near them. Many develop eating disorders because they feel that they're not perfect. they have to look this good in order for people to them to like them. And because they can be made fun because of their weight and how they look. That's how anorexia comes into play. That's a reason that young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders.

Do lots of Hollywood stars have eating disorders?

Yes, many famous celebrities around the world (along with many common people) do suffer from eating disorders.

How many people in the Us have eating disorders?

Approximately 8 million

Are there any eating disorders?

Are you stupid or something? Yes there are, there are loads. So many people of different ages, weights, background have eating disorders. Don't be dumb. -_-

How many people in the US struggle with eating disorders?

Approximately 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States suffer from eating disorders.

What causes psychiatric disorders?

it may vary depending on the person. but, many people develop psychiatric disorders due to traumatic events. many people also develop psychiatric disorders because people in their family have them, making it appear normal. if there is a familial history of a psychiatric disorder you a more prone to developing it.

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often ballerinas feet and ankles are damaged from ponite work and many of them develop eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

Are eating disorders increasing in the US?

Yes and also in Canada. However, the good news is that many actors and high profile people with eating disorders are coming out of the closet and trying to get back on a proper diet and exercise program and the percentage of eating disorders is slowly declining.

How many people overcome eating disorders?

About 60% will eventually come to terms and fully recover from their eating disorders eventually. After the 1st time of treatment, only about 30% fully recover. As time goes on, more people with eating disroders begin to fully recover from the disease.

Who do you contact if someone i know has an eating disorder?

People who suffer from eating disorders can talk to many people. For help, they can talk to mental help therapists and / or doctors. For support, they can talk to friends, family, and support groups of others who suffer from eating disorders like they do.