

Why do young people overindulge in drink?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why do young people overindulge in drink?
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Do all young people want to drink alcohol?

Most of the young people like to drink. They want to experiment in life.

When do people drink milk?

people drink milk when they are young to have healthy bones or when they just want to

Where do young people usually drink?

it depends on what you mean by young, for people who can legally drink, if they drink they drink anywhere they can get a drink. for under age people, they usually drink at places that they can get a drink without getting in trouble. this could be a friend's house, at an abandoned area, or even at home when an adult is not there, or not paying attention.

Who in Ireland drinks Jameson?

Lots of people in Ireland drink Jameson's. As it is a whiskey, it tends to be a drink that older people drink, so not as many young people drink it as older ones do.

Why does young people drink?

Most teens succumb to peer pressure by their friends.

How can someone drink sensibly and avoid a hangover?

By doing just that: drinking sensibly. Don't overindulge, pace yourself, eat something, alternate alcohol with water, get a full night's sleep.

Do young people in France drink alcohol on the streets or get drunk at the weekend?

Seriously? Of Course!

Why should young people drink plenty of water?

so they don't over heat

When did people start drinking milk?

People have always been drinking milk. The young drink the milk of their mothers to survive.

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Young wombat joeys need to drink milk from their mother.

What is the word for spoiling someone?

Pamper? Let to overindulge. Coddle? THis help?