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your hip dissconect from your body when your peni falls off

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Q: Why do your bones ache when it is cold?
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Do bones ache with osteoporosis?


Why does my bones hurt when is cold?

You most likely Need more vitamin D or maybe you don't have enough iron in your body. Try taking vitamins or seeing your doctor.

Why do bones ache during old age?

You lose cartilage between the bones, so the bones rub against each other.

What does the scientific saying When grandmas bones and bunions ache expect the clouds to fill the lake mean?

It means that there is a storm coming. When a cold front comes in and you have arthritis, your bones will ache. As people age, their joints get looser and these pockets of less tight tissue can detect changes in barometric pressure and let people know of approaching rain. People who have had joint surgury know the experience as well. When a storm approaches, the barometric pressure changes as the storm front either moves a cold or warm front out of the way. This change can be felt hours or even days ahead of an approaching storm system.

Malnutrition causes what problems to your joints?

Joints ache and bones are soft and tender.

What causes bones to ache when you have a sunburn?

the mussles do not like the burn so they push against the muscles

What happens if you wash your hair when you have a cold with cold water?

You may experience a big head ache for about 2 hours and your cold may get worst.

What do the bones of cold blooded animals have?

The bones of cold-blooded animals have rings similar to growth rings in trees.

Why does my body ache after sleeping with the fan blowing on me?

The cold air makes your muscles contract.

Why do my Legs ache when my feet are cold?

because cold can cause joints to become stiff and could also make your muscles sore

What does it mean if your hands are cold muscles ache and finger tips are turning blue?

it means that you are going into hypherthermeact

The bones of cold-blooded animals have what?
