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They preen each other because they have deep affection for one another, or they're just really good friends and want to help each other out by preening " that hard spot".

Budgies must preen their feathers by gathering some oil from the gland at the base of their tail and running it down each feather. They can't preen their own head and cheek feathers. Mutual preening is shared by bonded pairs as well as cage mates.

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12y ago

Hi parakeets usually preen like u told me when they are embarassed try wearing simple clothing u always wear

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Q: Why do your budgies preen each other?
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No. It means you are feeding your budgie too much.

Do Budgies live inside the house or outside?

it usually means they are happy but if they are frightened they will get used to each other and/or they are communicating

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This question is a matter of opinion. Some people like English budgies better than regular budgies or other people like regular budgies better than English budgies.

Do male budgies kiss other male budgies?

Yes, they're called gay budgies, ey.

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A vegetation killer is what Preen is.

Do rats eat baby budgies?

If they are hungry, then yeah but if they have other food then they wont eat Budgies

I have 4 budgies and I was wondering if I should put the 2 mating budgies in a cage alone so that the other two won't bother the hen while she is nesting. Or is it better that the other 2 are there?

It depends on the behavior of your budgies. If they are aggressive or like to stick around by the 2 mating budgies, I would suggest separate them because the female won't be comfortable with the distraction of the other 2 budgies. However, if the other 2 rarely come by the 2 mating budgies or completely ignore them, I suggest keep the two there.

Why do budgies lick their mirrors?

It has to do with seeing themselves on the other side Budgies like mirrors, I guess? When a budgie licks its mirror [especially while fluffing up its feathers, and/or seeming to almost purr] it probably considers its reflection another budgie, and so tries to preen it. I'm mostly guessing, though. My parakeet licks her mirror too. Answear- I think it is because they admire themselves I'm not sure, but I think it is because they think their reflection is another bird. With budgies (and other birds), they normally preen their mates and also regurgitate food to them. Maybe when they lick the mirror, they are doing one of the two thinking the mirror is its mate.

What is the past tense of preen?

The past tense of preen is preened.

What is Church Preen's population?

The population of Church Preen is 73.