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It depends how swiftly she is "wagging" her tail. If she is lashing it, and flopping her tail with power, then she is annoyed. She doesn't understand our language and your cat might be short tempered and doesn't like the noises that the other language sounds like. If she flicks her tail, or ear, she's annoyed. Most cat people aren't as cat as they think you are.

Cat flicks ear: Annoyed, more than tail flick

Cat flicks tail tip: Annoyed, less than ear flick

Tries to touches noses with you/sniffs/smells face: Greeting,

Purrs while sick: Comforting herself

Purrs while is struggling: Comforting herself

Hisses: Is hurt physically/Feels angry or annoyed

Fluffs up fur: Embaressed, shocked, surprised, frightened/scared

Archs back: Threatening

Lashes/Wags tail: Angry, annoyed, or excited.

Next time, observe your cat, if her tail tip is twitching, and her tail lashing, starting from the base, stop talking. Tell me the enviorment, how large the yard(front and back) is, how large the house is, how many other animals, or people live there, how often do most people visit, how often do people come in contact her, what type of other animals, if there are other cats, city, suburb, forest or near wilderness, if you let her outside, if she has a collar, if she has a bell for collar, how many children, do you make her take baths, how old is she, is she fixed, how recently...? All of these, please go through a list and answer and I will give you your answers to why she is like so...thank you.

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Q: Why do your cats tail wag when you talk to her?
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What does it mean when cats wag there tails?

Commonly unlike a dog, if a cat wags its tail its a sign that it is annoyed or wants to be left alone. That's the only thing I know that it means, if your cat wags its tail constantly then it may just be a habit i would check with a vet maybe if it wags it's tail a lot.

Why do cats wag their tails?

A cat uses body language. They let others know how they feel with body movements. The tail wagging reflects what mood a cat is in. When a cat comes towards you with its tail held straight in the air or waving gently side to side, this is a friendly greeting. A flicking tail indicates ambivalence - the cat is not sure how it feels. A cat that is being held and is flicking its tail wants to be put down.

DO bulldogs wag there tail?

Yes, Bulldogs wag their tail and it's the cutest thing because their tails are like little "nubs."

How do you do an experiment proving that dogs wag their tails for certain reasons?

they wag there tail cause there happy

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too wag his tail to get rid of the flies

What emotion do cats feel when they wag their tail?

Yes. There are tons of muscles, bones, and nerves in a cat's tail.

How do you now when your dog is happy?

it will wag its tail or lick you

What has tail it can't wag and a head with no brains?

A line.

What does don't wag your tail mean?

like dont toot your own horn, i think? like dont talk about yourself or brag or boost about yourself i thinkk

How much control does a cat have of its tail when it wags?

None. That just means its happy. A cat's tail does not wag. A cat's tail swishes, lashes, waves, twitches, flicks, etc. but it does not wag. Dogs' tails wag. When a cat's tail moves, the movement can be involuntary or voluntary. The cat can stop his/her tail from moving is he/she wants to.