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because the manufacture designed them that way!;) really, it could be because of a religious person that lived in the house before you or something like that.

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Q: Why do your cupboard handles have astrology symbols on them?
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Does IKEA sell kitchen cupboard handles?

Ikea sells everything from full free standing kitchens, to all the individual pieces like the cupboard doors and kitchen cupboard handles so you can customize your kitchen or purchase what you need for repairs or upgrades.

Does God recognize astrology?

Of course he/she/it does. God created all the planets and stars and symbols for humans to wonder and discover astronomy and astrology.

What are some stores that sell kitchen door handles?

You can buy drawer handles online at Handles4Doors. They have a policy where the more you buy the more you save, and they have everything in drawer handles, cabinet handles and cupboard drawer.

What is a muse of astromony?

Urania Technically, she is the muse of astronomy/astrology. Her symbols are the globe and the compass.

What are the symbols for a Christian birth and a Islamic birth?

The question is ambiguous as there are no Christian 'symbols.' Perhaps you are asking about astronomical or zodiak signs in which case this question is better placed in astrology and not Christianity.

What has the author Marc Edmund Jones written?

Marc Edmund Jones has written: 'The essentials of astrological analysis' -- subject(s): Astrology 'How to Live With the Stars' -- subject(s): Astrology 'The Guide to Horoscope Interpertation' 'Man, magic, and fantasy' -- subject(s): Fairy tales, Symbolism in fairy tales, History and criticism, Psychoanalysis and fairy tales 'How to Learn Astrology' -- subject(s): Astrology 'Astrology, how and why it works' -- subject(s): Astrology 'Sabian Manual' -- subject(s): Occultism, Sabian Assembly 'Astrology' -- subject(s): Astrology 'George Sylvester Morris' 'Horary Astrology' -- subject(s): Horary astrology, Problem solving, Miscellanea 'The Sabian Symbols in Astrology' -- subject(s): Astrology 'Problem solving by horary astrology' -- subject(s): Miscellanea, Astrology, Problem solving, Horary astrology 'Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (Quest Book)' -- subject(s): Horoscopes 'The Marc Edmund Jones 500' -- subject(s): Horoscopes, Astrology 'Gandhi lives'

What are the Chinese element symbols?

The Chinese element symbols are Wood (木), Fire (火), Earth (土), Metal (金), and Water (水). These symbols are used in traditional Chinese philosophy, astrology, and medicine to represent different aspects of nature and the universe.

What wood would brushed nickel knobs suit?

To make farniture for kitchens. They are also used to make door knobs, handles or cupboard knobs. They are also very well maked for furniture and other things.

What is cupboard shelf?

A cupboard shelf refers to a horizontal surface within a cupboard or cabinet that is used for storing items. It provides an organized and efficient way to maximize storage space within the cupboard. Cupboard shelves can be adjustable or fixed depending on the design of the cupboard.

What company can provide homemade cupboard handles?

Handmade cabinet hardware including handles and pulls can be difficult to find. However, antique handmade hardware can sometimes be found on Etsy and eBay. A company called Mood Australia also still makes handmade cabinet knobs from cattle horn and other natural materials.

Can you give me the a sentence for cupboard?

The cupboard hinges are squeaking. "Please put the cups into the cupboard," instructed mother.

What do you call a small cupboard?

I think it is a livery cupboard