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You may have had a tube of vaseline or blistex or lip baum or some other oil based product in a pocket in the laundery that got on your clothes but if you so much as drop a chip on your pants it can leave an oily stain which just looks like a darker area. Darks and reds don't just come out of the laundry with oil like stains for no reason. Did you check the inside of the dryer? Could the dryer be on the blink and leaking some kind of grease agent?

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Q: Why do your darks and reds come out with what looks like oil stains on them after you launder them?
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Protein stains require a cold water soak.Dye stains require hot water and a pretreatment. Stubborn dye stains require bleach.Oily stains require liquid detergent put on them before they go in to the washing machine.Other stains will just come out in the wash.

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You can try clorox clean up. But the stains probably won't come out all the way.

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You might be able to get away with it once or twice, but overall, it is better that you do not. The dyes in clothes come out in the laundry water in small amounts. That is why clothes fade over time. If you are washing lights and darks together, when those dark dyes come out in the laundry water, they are going to be soaked up by the lighter clothes. Eventually, your lighter clothes will start to look pretty dingy, and since it is dye, you won't be able to do much about it.

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