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actually its a twitch but sometimes twiching may cause ur eyes to itch but anyways since Orange Juice is sour it causes it itchingness

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Q: Why do your eyes itch when you drink orange juice?
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Can Amoxicillin help treat jock itch?

almond oil, applied several times a day. A poultice of orange oil, jasmine oil or lavender oil will all help get rid jock-itch. Oregano oil can also be applied when diluted. The rash will be helped by washing in a solution of diluted lemon juice.

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well it depends if your allergic to the animal or not.

Can tea make you itch?

yes sometimes it is possible for tea to make you itch for example if you are allergic to tea or somthing in it. i would sugges changing the type of tea that you drink if it still itches drink somthing else.

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Some sunscreens are formulated in such a way that they do not burn or itch if they get in your eyes. While most of these do not require you to do anything if you get them in your eyes, the safest response is always to flush your eyes thoroughly with clean water.

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when you are tired your tear ducts are drying up thus they make your eyes itchy as they are not getting the lubrication they need so you rub your eyes. Dr. Nicole Smith, Md

Is it okay for you to pick at your eyes?

It is best to NOT pick at your eyes, even if they DO itch. Your hands are one of the most dirty places on your body; they are covered with germs and when you scratch your eyes, those germs transfer TO your eyes which makes them prone to infection. If you MUST scratch your eyes, wash your hands thoroughly before you do so.

How is parsley used in folk medicine?

to promote menstruation , facilitate childbirth , and increase female libido. Its emmenagogic properties can bring on delayed menstruation. Parsley juice also inhibits the secretion of histamine; it is useful in treating hives

What is the name of Little Lulu's witch friend in the comic strip She dressed in black and had yellow eyes?

Witch Hazel or Little Itch?

What happens when you play video games to long?

your eyes start to become blood shot red ,when you have the lights out playing and they start to itch.

Can you get ringworm from drinking old malt liquor?

If the infected area comes in contact with the drink, or you itch and the skin cells fall in the drink I would imagine, but consult your doctor for more information