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Q: Why do your knees feel like they are going to burst every time you walk?
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the correct signs of knowing your in is your going to feel a big burst of air from the tube if your not in you will hear weezing and a minimum burst of air .

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It's very painful. Your vagina feels like its going to burst.

Can you really get weak in the knees?

Of course. You can feel weakness in any body part. When you get excited or anxious, you often feel wobbly, especially in your legs and knees, as if they are about to collapse.

When dogs have broken knees do they feel pain?


Why to guys in the US wear such long shorts - Even to the gym they wear them long - doesn't it feel awful having sweaty material hanging around your knees - What is the reason?

Most people don't get sweat knees. I wear basketball shorts that go past my knees almost every day, it's a fashion thing here in the US and it's also a matter of knowing that your balls aren't going to fall out of your pants or be exposed when you sit down.

Does long distance running damage your knees?

No. Long distance running does not damage your knees, if you exercise some reasonable restraint. Of course, any physical activity, if overdone, can damage the body part(s) it employs and running does employ the knees. However, damage to the knees can be avoided by stopping when you begin to feel pain.

What do you feel if you hop and land without bending or flexing you knees?

it feel's so hard

will this effect my knees?

To be honest the answer to your question is that this product might hurt your knees based on my experience with ankle weights, I did feel pain and soreness on my knees as well as my ankles and calf muscles.

Can locking your knees make you pass out?

It definitely can, but it does not always occur. Depending on how your knees are shaped, standing with your knees bent for just 10 minutes can sometimes make you faint. If your knees are shaped a certain way, then locking your knees pinches a major artery just slightly, stopping a small amount of blood to stay in your legs instead of going to your brain. The longer you stand like that, the less oxygen goes to you brain. First you will feel woozy, then you might feel very nauseous, and then you wake up on the ground, wondering what happened. Just recently during a choir performance I, not knowing any of this yet, stood with my knees locked the entire time, because it uses less muscle. I felt like I was going to throw up, saw colors, and then I woke up on the floor with three other choir members trying to help me up.

Does steve-o have two knees?

no ! he does not have 2 knees he just had a huge bump on his bone for a while , because he feel really hard on a cruise ship/

How do you know i have the right boyfriend?

Every time you see them your stomach drops,or you get weak knees when they walk into the room.they make you feel special and you dont question their love for you because you know that they love you and they show it.

What happens after every dinner time you feel like you going to throw up?

well usually to help me i just breath in and out and get some air and i feel good