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Our Veins look blue as well because those veins contain carbonated blood ,the blood which is going back to liver for oxygenation or purification.

Due to access amount of carbon di oxide this blood looks like blue inside the veins.

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Blood is always red, actually. Veins look blue because light has to penetrate the skin to illuminate them, blue and red light (being of different wavelengths) penetrate with different degrees of success. What makes it back to your eye is the blue light.

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Q: Why do your veins look blue instead of red?
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He had blue blood in his veins?

A blood seems blue in veins because when a blood is in veins they are low in oxygen and therefore look blue. When they get oxygenated, they become red and are carried by the artery.

Why are veins blue if blood is red?

The deoxygenated blod in the veins is a darker color than the bright red blood of arteries but it is more of a dark red or brown than blue colored. Veins look blue because that is the color of the vessel walls and skin.

What color is the blood in the veins?

Some will say that the blood is blue in the veins because your veins are blue looking. This is incorrect. The blood is in fact red inside the veins, the veins just look blue due to the way the light passes through the fat and skin cells above.

When you look at your skin what color does an arterie look like?

Blue, Veins and atreries alike look blue, blood itself is not red until it makes contact with air.

What is blood when it is blue?

when blood is blue from outside actually it is not blue but reddish or dark red. The veins look blue from the outside due to the skin and fat absorbing red and yellow light, but reflecting blue.

Why do your vains look blue?

your veins look blue because your blood has no oxygen, when your blood is oxygenated it is red and when it is deoxygenated it is blue. veins carry blood toward the heart and are often blue while arteries carry blood away from the heart and are filled with oxygenated blood.

What veins carry oxygenated or blood red or blue?

Red veins carry oxygenated blood.

Why do you think you used blue and red ink in tracing the flow of the blood?

They use red and blue ink when tracing the flow of blood because red ink is for arteries and blue ink is for veins. This can cause a problem because people sometimes think that arteries have red blood and veins have blue blood, but this is not true.

What is red and blue marks on legs?

Your veins

Why is the blood in your veins blue?

It's not. Blood is only darker red when it is in veins.

What color is veins?

Mostly a very dark brownish red, although when you look at them through many people's skin, they look blue. This is an illusion, caused by the reflective factors of the skin, that gives the appearance of blue. This pertains to the veins themselves and the venous blood; both look blue through the skin. Deep bruises look bluish red for this reason, we can see more of the red color since the blood of the bruise is closer to the surface than veins, that look very blue through the skin. The arteries are much deeper in the tissues where they are less visible and have less of the reflective factor involved, but they are also red. The blood in arteries is a brighter red than the brownish maroon color of venous blood. During vascular and endovascular surgery and direct visualization, the true red colors are visible.

What color is de oxygenated blood?

No. De-oxygenated blood is a dark red color. It may look blue in an anatomy and physiology text book, but the authors do that to show more clearly which blood vessels, usually veins, that carry de-oxygenated blood. That is why they color them blue. And then the arteries, which usually carry oxygenated blood, are colored red. In real life, your veins look blue because of the other tissues that have pigments in them that you have to look through to see your veins. Even though they appear on the outside to be blue, in fact, on the inside they are carrying deep dark red blood. Just look at the vial of blood the next time the nurse draws some for a test. You will see that it is dark red.