

Best Answer

1. New diseases and cures that animals carry

2. Why clones of certain animals don't go correctly

3. How animals react to certain things (i.e meeting new animals, eating new foods

I think you can learn these things from zoos I hope I helped you!

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Q: Why do zoos help people learn about animals?
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Zoos are good?

zoos don't just help animals in the wild they also help kids learn about the animals in the zoo

Are zoos more for people than animals?

Yes! Zoos are more for people than animals. The animals are kept on display so the kids can learn more about them.

What is the purpose of having zoos?

Zoos serve several purposes. One is to protect rare species that are endangered. Also, zoos allow for the scientific study of animals. A third reason is to attract tourists and help people learn about a wide array of animals.

What do scientists learn from animals in zoos?

they learn behavioral patterns of the animals.

Should we keep zoo's?

Yes because keeping zoos is important for animals to avoid extinction. Zoos help preserve species. Sometimes, zoos keep animals and then release them into the wild when the animal is mature enough. Zoos help save animals' lives. If they are disabled, people can help them.

Does some zoos just keep the animals to impress people or to help the animals?

Zoos keep animals to help them. They to keep some of the animals so when they are about to go extinct then there will be some left on earth.

Why do you have zoos?

for the public can see and learn about the animals

Do zoos help the economy?

People may say that Zoos help keep the economy going, while bringing entertainment. Do they really? Zoos around the world are losing money because people are realizing the harm that zoos are doing to the animals. Around the world, zoos are shutting down and there are only 278 zoos left in America. Hurting animals while losing money, do we really want zoos?

Why zoos should not be band?

Zoos should not be banned because the animals live longer, can't be killed and people learn about them at the zoo

Do animals learn basic needs in zoos?

yes they do

Should zoos stay open and why?

Its a matter of opinion, some people believe that they should be left open some people believe they should be shut down, its all a matter of what you believe.Additional Info: Many Zoos are working with endangered species, either in breeding programs, or research in the field. They also help teach the public about animals, their environment, and their future needs. Zoos give people the chance to experience, interact, and understand animals in new and lasting ways. This is not to say that this is what all zoos do but those that are working towards this type of efforts and goals might should be open.Zoos provide an excellent environment for animals to make babies. Baby making by rare and endangered animals is essential for conservation purposes to ensure future generations of animals.Zoos also are an excellent way for people to learn about animals and junk about the animals and see them in an habitat somewhat similar to their natural one, a chance that not many people may get.In addition, zoos raise awareness of conservation needs.

Does zoos let people learn about how animals live?

Indeed they do. It is one of the most important purposes of a zoo