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Because they think that it will cut medical expenses. If everyone made the same amount of money and charged the exact same amount for medical procedures then it would stop all of this crazy hospitle charges. Even though I don't agree with socialism you can see where it would look appeasing. But the truth is socialism (communism) would make our economy worst than it is. Look at the past when socialist have tried it.

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Q: Why does AARP support socialism?
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Because they think that it will cut medical expenses. If everyone made the same amount of money and charged the exact same amount for medical procedures then it would stop all of this crazy hospitle charges. Even though I don't agree with socialism you can see where it would look appeasing. But the truth is socialism (communism) would make our economy worst than it is. Look at the past when socialist have tried it.

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Well, he can't stand healthcare, so no.

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They best place to look would the offical AARP website. Otherwise look on AARP pamphlets or talk to someone who plays the games. Still the best thing to do would be to look at the official website and contact their customer support.

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Yes, this is what the Labour Party (supposedly) stands for.

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AARP was created in 1958.

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Where can one get information about AARP Medigap coverage?

One can find information about AARP Medigap Coverage from the AARP website. It can also be found through other websites, for example, AARP Medicare Plans or AARP Healthcare.

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What is AARP's motto?

AARP's motto is '"To serve, not to be served"'.