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Probably wrong medication/dosage. It also depends on when they are angry and emotional, what age they are, and what(if anything) sets them off, as well as what sex they are. I had bad ADHD mild ADD really young, wasn't medicated, and would be extremely angry, agitated, and throw tantrums cause I had all this energy and didnt know how to express it. If they're not in high school, medication should take a back burner. Certain ADHD meds makes kids into Zombies and they resent it and emotionally and socially don't develop properly. Boys are also more violent than girls with their frustrations, but both typically want to find outlets for their energy period. Meds are also really rough when you come down off them, even extended. Also ask if they want the medications. They might not, and the anger is just buried resentment of growing pains mixed with the "Im not normal" mindset that can screw up a child's perception of themselves and the world around them. The psychiatrist will typically try and prescribe additional drugs as well as try and find the right balance. This isn't always the best route..I mean, where you prescribed 4 behavioral/mind altering meds at 9 or even 16?

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Q: Why does ADHD medication make my child angry and emotional?
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The term ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This means that the child in question has trouble paying attention to things and tends to be overly active, always running around and getting into trouble. This condition is often treated by a variety of drugs. However, bear in mind that just because a given child did not pay attention to something, or was particularly active, does not mean that the child necessarily has ADHD or needs medication.

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