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Because he is ONE, without any partners and the number 1 is an odd number.

Answer: When there is even number than there is possiblity of deadlock. But in odd number there will be never deadlock.

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Q: Why does Allah like odd numbers?
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It's infinite-like numbers themselves.

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Always. even + even = even odd + odd = even even + odd = odd odd + even = odd To summarise, if you add like numbers you get even, otherwise you get odd.

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The sum of two odd numbers is always even; the sum of three odd numbers is always odd; the sum of four odd numbers is always even; the sum of five odd numbers is always odd; etc

Is pi an odd or even number?

Only integers (the whole numbers, including zero and negative whole numbers) are odd or even. Other numbers (like irrational numbers, fractions that don't simplify to integers, imaginary numbers, and so on) are neither odd nor even.

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