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Allotropy can take place in any phase. For example, O2 and O3 are two different allotropes of oxygen. They are both typically gaseous at room temperature

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Q: Why does Allotrope takes place between Solid Nonmetals only?
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The bonds between particles are strongest in the solid state of matter. In solids, particles are tightly packed together, leading to strong forces of attraction between them which hold the structure in place.

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false because it is a solid

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The particles in a solid move back and forth in place.

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The electromagnetic force is responsible for holding solid objects together. It acts between charged particles in atoms and molecules, creating electromagnetic bonds that keep atoms in place in a solid structure.

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i am a scientist. variation dose take place when a solid is turned to a gas.

When a solid melts its density does not change very much. So why do a liquid and a solid have such a different physical properties?

The physical properties are not mainly based on density. The main difference between a solid and a liquid is that in a solid, the forces between atoms or molecules are strong enough to keep them in place. As a result, the solid keeps its shape. ============================ When a solid melts its density changes a lot. The density is the amount of mass a body possesses per unit volume. In solids all the matter is compacted and crushed in a particular place more than a liquid. Its density varies a lot. And density cannot only be the sole characteristic of physical properties as explained by the former contributor.

When a solid melts its density does not change very much so why do a liquid and a solid have such different physical properties?

The physical properties are not mainly based on density. The main difference between a solid and a liquid is that in a solid, the forces between atoms or molecules are strong enough to keep them in place. As a result, the solid keeps its shape. ============================ When a solid melts its density changes a lot. The density is the amount of mass a body possesses per unit volume. In solids all the matter is compacted and crushed in a particular place more than a liquid. Its density varies a lot. And density cannot only be the sole characteristic of physical properties as explained by the former contributor.

When a solid melts its density does not change very much so why do a liquid and solid have such different physical properties?

The physical properties are not mainly based on density. The main difference between a solid and a liquid is that in a solid, the forces between atoms or molecules are strong enough to keep them in place. As a result, the solid keeps its shape. ============================ When a solid melts its density changes a lot. The density is the amount of mass a body possesses per unit volume. In solids all the matter is compacted and crushed in a particular place more than a liquid. Its density varies a lot. And density cannot only be the sole characteristic of physical properties as explained by the former contributor.

When a solid melts its density does not change very much. so why do a liquid and solid have such different physical properties?

The physical properties are not mainly based on density. The main difference between a solid and a liquid is that in a solid, the forces between atoms or molecules are strong enough to keep them in place. As a result, the solid keeps its shape. ============================ When a solid melts its density changes a lot. The density is the amount of mass a body possesses per unit volume. In solids all the matter is compacted and crushed in a particular place more than a liquid. Its density varies a lot. And density cannot only be the sole characteristic of physical properties as explained by the former contributor.