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When Julius Caesar was assassinated Mark Antony fled Rome because he was afraid that the conspirators would attack Caesar's supporters. As this did not happen he soon returned to Rome. Meanwhile, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus (the leaders of the conspiracy) fled Rome because the Roman crowd was hostile to the conspirators. Caesar was very popular with the middle and lower classes.

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Q: Why does Antony not appear himself to brutus after Caesar's death?
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Who speaks at caesars funeral?

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Why does Brutus permit Antony to speak at Caesars funeral?

Because Antony promised he would not do the very thing he ended up doing, and Brutus trusted him. Unfortunately for Brutus he really was an "honourable man".

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Mark Antony's. He says to Brutus, "Thus, Brutus, did my master bid me kneel; thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down."

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this basically means that Brutus was the cause of Caesars death, thus Antony was referring to brutus in that statement

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What decision Brutus make about Antony?

He made two decisions about Antony, he firstly decides not to kill him along with Caesar in fear of being seen as "butchers"; and after the assassination of Caesar, he decides to allow Antony to speak at caesars funeral. which in turn is brutus' ultimate downfall.

What was the effect of brutus letting Antony speak at caesars funeral?

The crowd did react to Brutus and Anthony funeral speeches because they had much intellectual appeal.

Who helped Marc Antony capture Julius caesars killers?

Octavian and Antony were the two triumvirs who battled Brutus and Cassius in the final war against Caesar's killers.