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because it dose

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Q: Why does Asia have so many disasters?
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Why are so many natural disasters occurring in the Asia Pacific region?

there are so many natural disasters in the asia-pacific because most of asia-pacific is in the ring of fire, a very active area for volcano's and other plate bounders to cause problems.

Why do people live in southeast Asia when there's so many natural disasters?

because it has good resoures

Why has Asia seen so many natural disasters?

Tectonically: because it [Asia] resides at the western edge of what is known as "The Sea of Japan based Geologic Ring of Fire".

What disasters occur inn Asia and the pacific?

The most common natural disasters in south and east Asia and the Pacific include earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and volcanic eruptions.

What are five natural disasters in Asia?

Tsunamis, floods and earthquakes

How can you help so many people in need after so many natural disasters?

Donate what you can to help them.

How many type of disasters are there?

So many it is impossible to answer....its all a matter of opinion.

Where do disasters happen?

They can happen anywhere but are more common in thepacific.usual in asia or america

How does America survive so many disasters?

We dont have that many as much as other countries!

What are some common natural disasters in Asia?

Flood, earthquake, hurricane, volcanic erruption.

How is japan successful even after so many natural disasters?

Japan is so successful after so many natural disasters because japans make cars and stuff related to cars so they get alot of money for it so they have alot of money to fix there natural diasters

What type of Natural disasters are in Asia?

typhoones (Manila is one of the most theatened cities) and earthquakes