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Beowulf does not kill Grendel's mother because she is also a mother seeking revenge for her son. The Frisian king does not attack Beowulf out of fear and respect for his strength and bravery. Beowulf feels invincible due to his past victories in battles, his belief in fate, and the support of his loyal comrades.

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Q: Why does Beowulf not kill himwhy does the frisian not try to attack beowulfwhy does Beowulf feel invicible?
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In Beowulf how does higlac die?

In "Beowulf," Higlac dies in battle while leading an attack against the Franks, a neighboring tribe. He is killed, leaving Beowulf as his successor as king.

How many winters does Grendel attack?

Grendel attacks for 12 winters in the epic poem "Beowulf".

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Grendel greets Beowulf as a dear long-lost brother kinsman-thane because he is trying to deceive Beowulf and gain his trust. Grendel's intention is to lure Beowulf closer so he can attack him when he least expects it. It is a tactic to catch Beowulf off guard and take advantage of the situation.

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Yes, Beowulf pretended to sleep to lure Grendel into attacking him, as Grendel was known to attack while people were sleeping. This strategic move allowed Beowulf to surprise Grendel and gain the upper hand in their battle.

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Beowulf uses Hrunting to attack Grendel's mother because it is a sword that he was given by Unferth, a warrior in Hrothgar's court. Despite Hrunting being a well-crafted weapon, it ultimately fails to penetrate Grendel's mother's skin, leading Beowulf to later rely on his own strength and a magical sword found in her lair to defeat her.

What was the most important event in Beowulf's career?

The most important event in Beowulf's career was his battle with the dragon. This battle showcased his bravery, strength, and willingness to sacrifice himself for his people. It ultimately led to his death but solidified his legacy as a legendary hero.

How are the brave characters contrasted with the characters that is not brave in Beowulf?

In Beowulf, the brave characters display courage, selflessness, and loyalty in the face of danger, such as Beowulf himself and his loyal warriors. In contrast, characters that are not brave may exhibit fear, selfishness, or betrayal, such as Unferth who doubts Beowulf's abilities or the cowardly retainers who flee during the dragon's attack. These contrasts serve to highlight the qualities of bravery and valor that are revered in the poem.

Why does Grendel not attack the throne in the story Beowulf?

Grendel does not attack the throne in the story of Beowulf because his rage is primarily directed towards the warriors in the mead hall, who disturb his peace. The throne is not his target as it does not provoke the same animosity within him as the men who occupy the hall.

How many men does Grendel kill?

Grendel killed one of Beowulf's men before trying to attack Beowulf himself. He suprised Grendel with a strong choke-hold. While fighting, they damaged the mead-hall extensively and Beowulf pulled Grendel's arm from his socket. The arm acted as another trophy for the mead-hall. Grendel killed many more of Hrothgar's men.

Why does grendal's mother attack the danes?

Grendel's mother attacks the Danes in retaliation for the death of her son, Grendel, who was killed by Beowulf. She seeks vengeance for the harm done to her family and to protect her own kind from further harm. Her attack is driven by a desire for retribution and the instinct to protect her own.

In Beowulf what do the Danes do that irritates Grendel?

In Beowulf, the Danes irritate Grendel by celebrating loudly in the mead hall Heorot every night. Grendel, who is a creature of darkness, cannot stand the noise and the joyous festivities of the humans, causing him to attack the hall and kill its inhabitants.