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Betsy leaves the mill in Lyddie because she becomes ill from the harsh working conditions and can no longer work. She goes to live with her sister in New Hampshire for better care and recovery.

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Q: Why does Betsy leave the mill in Lyddie?
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How long did lyddie work in a mill?

Lyddie worked in the mill for approximately two years before deciding to leave and seek other opportunities.

Who gets sick of lung diseases in Lyddie?

lyddie and betsy

What does Lyddie write on Brigid's loom?

Lyddie writes "Remember me" on Brigid's loom as a way to leave a message for her friend and co-worker before she leaves the mill. This message symbolizes their bond and Lyddie's wish for Brigid to remember her even after she's gone.

Who comes to visit Lyddie in the book lyddie?

In the book "Lyddie", Lyddie is visited by her younger sister Rachel. Rachel travels to the mill to try and convince Lyddie to return home and be with their family.

Who are the charatecrs in chapter in lyddie?

The main characters in the book "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson are Lyddie Worthen, a determined young woman working in a textile mill; Diana Goss, Lyddie's friend and fellow mill worker; and Luke Stevens, Lyddie's brother who seeks a better life in the West. Other characters include Mr. Marsden, the cruel overseer at the mill, and Charles Miles, a kind young man who befriends Lyddie.

What does Betsy mean by all worn out in the book lyddie?

All worn out means very tired or exhausted.

How was life different for Lyddie in the summer in chapter 11?

In chapter 11 of "Lyddie," life was different for Lyddie in the summer as she found herself working in the textile mill with longer hours and hotter temperatures. She also experienced a sense of isolation as her family visited less frequently due to the distance from their farm. Additionally, Lyddie faced challenges managing her responsibilities while dealing with the demanding and exhausting work conditions in the mill.

Who is lyddie?

"Lyddie" is a novel written by Katherine Paterson that follows the story of a young girl named Lyddie Worthen who works in a textile mill in Massachusetts during the 19th century. The book explores themes of independence, perseverance, and the struggle for workers' rights.

What happens in chapter 10 of lyddie?

In Chapter 10 of "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson, Lyddie begins working at the Lowell mill and faces harsh working conditions. She struggles with the long hours, low pay, and oppressive rules but slowly starts to adapt to her new life. The chapter highlights the challenges faced by young female mill workers during the Industrial Revolution.

What happens in chapter 14 of lyddie?

In chapter 14 of "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson, Lyddie makes a difficult decision to leave the boarding house and work at a textile mill in Lowell. She hopes to earn more money to pay off her family's debts and reunite with her siblings. This decision marks a turning point in Lyddie's life as she navigates the challenges of working in the factory.

When did the book Lyddie take place?

The book "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson takes place during the mid-19th century in the 1840s. It follows the story of a young girl named Lyddie Worthen who works in a textile mill in Lowell, Massachusetts.

What happen in chapter 8 lyddie?

mrs.bedlow (who likes lyddie) gives her money to buy new clothes and helps her get a job at the factory. the factory is owned by concord corporation. lyddie had 3 roommates at the boarding house who all work at the same factory. there names where amelia, prudence, betsy. hope it help :)