

Why does Britain remain neutral?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why does Britain remain neutral?
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well they wanted to

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Many of the Neutral Colonists in the village did not want to go to war against the king and Great Britain.

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For nearly three years the United States remained technically neutral, though its trade favored the Allies who controlled the seas

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Why did Washington believe it was important for the United States to remain neutral in foreign conflicts?

Washington believed it was important for the United States to remain neutral in foreign conflicts as it was safest.

How did Ireland remain neutral?

Ireland chose to be neutral and stuck to that policy during World War II, and it is still a neutral country.

What was Britain's involvemtn in the Vietnam War?

They were neutral.

England in the Vietnam war?

Britain was neutral.

Why might the US want to remain neutral towards conflicts in Europe?

After WWII, and before the invasion of Pearl Harbor the US committed to remain neutral toward conflicts in Europe because they want to be a peaceful nation. In addition, the American people have voiced there opinion asking the US to remain neutral on conflicts in Europe.

What did George Washington said about staying neutral?

Remain neutral don't get involved in forgein political affairs