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Because of its 36 million plus residents.

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Q: Why does California have so many Congressmen compared to other states?
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both have a very dense population.

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When discussing climate Japan is often compared with California because of its north-south placement. In what other way is Japan compared with California?

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When discussing climate japan is often compared with California because of it's North's placement. in what other way is japan compared with California?

both have a very dense population.

When discussing climate Japan is often compared with California because of its north south placement in other way is Japan compared with California?

both have a very dense population.

In what other way is Japan compared with California When discussing climate Japan is often compared with California because of its north-south placement?

both have a very dense population.

When discussing climate japan is often compared with California because of its north -south placement. In what other way is japan compared with California?

both have a very dense population.