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Q: Why does Carbon and Chlorine form covalent bonds?
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What kind of bond does chlorine and carbon forms?

Carbon and Chlorine form polarized covalent bonds

Does chlorine form ionic bonds?

Quite often yes with metals. Not always though. With carbon it forms covalent bonds.

What four elements form covalent bond?

carbon and silicone both form the four covalent bonds, nitrogen and phosphorus form three covalent and one coordinate covalent bonds, while sulphur may form two covalent and two coordinate covalent bonds.

Does carbon form covalent bonds or metallic bonds?

As a nonmetal carbon forms covalent bonds.

What bonds does carbon atoms tend to form?

Carbon will almost always form bonds with other carbon atoms, and that is part of what makes it such a useful element.

What element is most likely to form covalent bonds silicon oxygen chlorine or sulfur?

Among the elements listed, silicon is most likely to form covalent bonds. (Silicon is in the same periodic table column as carbon, which is the most likely of all atoms to form covalent bonds.)

How many single covalent bonds can a carbon atom form?

A carbon atom can form 4 single covalent bonds

What types of bonds does carbon have a tendency to form?

Covalent bonds

How many covalent bonds does carbon have?

Carbon can form four covalent bonds at most, such as in methane.

Is carbon likely to make covalent bonds or ionic bonds?

Carbon typically forms covalent bonds. It is rare for it to form ionic bonds.

Does carbon usually form ionic bonds?

carbon does not form ionic bond ,they form covalent bonds

What does not form ions but will form four covalent bonds with chlorine?
