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Q: Why does Cistern fills but will not flush?
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How do you use cistern in a sentence?

If you do not have a dual flush toilet, put a brick in the cistern

Why won't your toilet refill after you flush it?

The cistern is not filling up. There may be a tap beside the cistern that has been turned off. Otherwise track back along the pipe to find where the water is blocked. You may have to get a plumber. It may be that the cistern actually fills very slowly. Check if it has filled after 10 minutes.

What is water cistern?

A water cistern is the part of a toilet that holds water which is then used to flush the toilet.

What are the different kinds of latrine?

pit toilets, composting toilets, pour-flush latrine, cistern-flush toilet, bucket latrine

What key do toilets flush in?

It all depends on the size of the toilet The size of the cistern. the SASE of the cistern outlet, the material that the toilet is made from, the size of the sewerage pipe and what hemisphere you are in.

How does toilet cistern work?

When you pull the handle a washer is lifted and the water goes down into the toilet and at the same time the cistern fills up once the washer is back in place from the flushing mechanism

Why would your toilet not flush properly does not appear to be clogged?

On the inner rim of your toilet where the water flushes out from the cistern, if these small holes are blocked it wont make the right angled pressure to flush a toilet

What is kept in a cistern?

water is kept in a cistern

How many liters per toilet flush?

It depends how big your cistern is. Modern dual-flush toilets have a minimum flush of 6 liters. There are 1000 milliliters in one liter, so the flush would contain 6000 ml.

How a toilet 'knows' when to stop filling the tank?

Toilets use float valves. These are air filled balls that float on the water, as the cistern fills with water the ball floats higher. The ball is attached to an arm connected to a valve, when the ball reaches a predefined level the valve closes, shutting off the water to the cistern.

What is the problem when you flush the toilet the bowl does not fill back up?

Most likely, the problem is in the cistern (the thing behind the toilet bowl with the handle in it). If you think it's obstructed, lift the lid on the cistern and see if you can see why; otherwise, fill a bucket with water and pour it quickly into the bowl. That flushes the toilet and will serve until you can get a plumber to deal with the cistern. It will also help to keep the risk of disease low.

What is the shape of cistern?

A cistern can be a wide range of shapes & sizes. Most commonly a cistern is round or rectangular.