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Crooks says he was just fooling about working at the ranch to protect himself emotionally. As a Black man in a racially discriminatory society, Crooks feels the need to keep his guard up to avoid getting hurt. By pretending that he doesn't want to work at the ranch, he can maintain a sense of control and protect his vulnerable emotions.

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Q: Why does Crooks say he was just fooling about working at the ranch?
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Why does crooks say he was just foolin about working on the ranch?

Crooks says he was just foolin' about working on the ranch as a defense mechanism to protect himself from getting hurt or disappointed. By pretending that he doesn't want to be a part of the group, Crooks maintains a sense of control and distance to shield himself from potential rejection or mistreatment. This is his way of coping with the racism and isolation he faces on the ranch.

Why does crooks call to candy jus fooling i wouldn't want to go place like that?

Crooks calls Candy's dream of owning a farm with George and Lennie "just fooling" because he believes that it is unlikely for them to achieve such a dream given their circumstances. Crooks, as a marginalized black man, has experienced discrimination and understands the harsh reality of how society works, especially for those on the margins like himself. So, he doubts Candy's dream because he has learned to be cautious about hoping for a better future.

How many cowboys are there on a ranch?

It all depends on the size of the ranch. A ranch can have anywhere from just one (being the owner/manager) to 20 cowboys working there.

In 'mice and men' what is the purpose of crooks?

Crooks is a character in "Of Mice and Men" who represents the isolation and racial discrimination experienced by African Americans during the Great Depression. His purpose in the novel is to highlight the pervasive prejudice and social hierarchy of the time, and to provide insight into the effects of loneliness and discrimination on an individual.

In Texas how old do you have to be to work on a ranch?

Around 15 years of age. Some ranchers get their kids to start working on a ranch ten years sooner...not that they're forcing their children into labour, it's just that a child at that age can start learning the responsibilities and work that is involved with working on a ranch.

Why did crooks later reject the idea of buying the ranch in 'Of Mice and Men' chapter four?

Crooks later rejected the idea of buying the ranch because he felt it was just a dream that would never come true for him. He believed that his race and the societal prejudices against him would prevent him from ever being able to truly have a place of his own.

What are ranch hands?

A Ranch hand is just a fancy word for cowboys or cowgirls, basically people, primarily of men (and a few hardy women of course!) who work on a ranch helping with tending to livestock and range management, as well as other duties that are necessary on a working ranch.

What term is used for large cattle ranch?

Just plain ol' "Ranch" will suit any sized ranch just fine.

What is the difference between bullying and just fooling around?

bullying is trying to hurt someone emotionally or pysically and fooling around is kinda like bullying but your just trying to be funny and don't mean it

What to do when your parents always laugh at you?

BE COOL WITH IT . they are just probably fooling around.

What does Lennie Crooks do even though he probably shouldn't have?

Lennie Crooks often stretches the truth or bends the rules in order to increase his own benefits or achieve his personal goals, even if it means taking advantage of others or causing harm in the process.

Why does crooks reject the dream of a ranch after curley's wife leaves his room?

Crooks rejects the dream of a ranch after Curley's wife leaves his room because he believes that it is impossible for someone like him, a black man, to achieve such a dream. He has been discriminated against and oppressed for so long that he has lost hope in the possibility of a better future. Curley's wife's cruel reminder of his place in society only reinforces his belief that dreams are unattainable for people like him.