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Q: Why does DNA called blue print of life?
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How is the blue print for life passed from parent to offspring?

on a molecule called DNA

What is the blue print of life?

Answer: DNA (deoxyribo-nucleic-acid) is the blue print for life>

Do plant and animals cells have DNA?

Yes they do, DNA is the blue print for life.

What is another name for DNA?

Another name for "DNA" is:"The Blue Print Of Life"

Why DNA is blue print of life?

DNA is the blueprint to every living thing on our planet. The DNA determines what you look like, if you are a tiger or an oak tree. DNA determines eye and hair color, gender, and just about everything else about you.

What is the chemical basic of life?

The nucleotides Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine are the four units that make up DNA which is the 'blue print' for life

What are the functions of DNA and what do they mean?

It's the blue print of making nucleus.

What is the blue print of body design and body function?

Chromosomes :DD -enan

What is the impotance of DNA to a cell?

The DNA gives the cell what it needs to develop into the organism and give it the certain traits that come from the blue print of the DNA.

What things are found inside an nucleus?

In Physics: Atom's nucleus are consist of Proton, which is the positively charged and the Neutron, which is the electrically neutral. In Biology: Chromosome are found in the cell's nucleus. Where the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is located. DNA, the code of life. DNA is also the blue print of our body. It is mainly used for cell division.

In living creatures what is the purpose of DNA?

The purpose of DNA in living creatures is to provide a blue print for genetic information, that can be coded. This helps replicate and replace damaged tissue in our bodies.

What is an analogy for DNA?

I found your question because I am looking for the same answer..maybe by now you found it..A simple way to look at this is: DNA is like the blue print of your house; it gives instruction.