

Why does Diet Pepsi float but regular Pepsi does not?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Why does Diet Pepsi float but regular Pepsi does not?
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Why did regular Pepsi float and the diet float When I put the Pepsi and the diet Pepsi in the container they floated and I want to know the answer to that?

because of the sugar

Will both Pepsi and diet Pepsi float?

only diet will because of the lack of sugar ...jsf;lsdj flds

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Will a diet or a regular drink float?

diet will float cause diet has more sugar than regular

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Diet pepsi has more fizz then regular pepsi because diet pepsi has more chemicals then regular pepsi does.Diet pepsi has more chemicals because it has more acid then regular pepsi.Diet pepsi also has more carbonation then regular pepsi.

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How can you get strongwith Pepsi?

you can not get strong with Pepsi because it rots your teeth and the diet Pepsi is worse for you then regular.

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sure i guess if theres no whole in the ball hahhhahahahah

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Is diet pepsi fizzer than regular pepsi?

They are equal, because diet pepsi just reduces the caffeine and calories, not carbonation. Carbonation is how fizzy it is.

Does regular Pepsi sink or float?

if you toss a can of pepsi in a tank of water it will sink. the higher density is attributed to the 40 something grams of sugar they have dissolved in pepsi