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Q: Why does Douglass view slaveholders as well as slaves as victims of slavery?
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What did slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?

slavery was common in the bible

What did Frederick Douglass do to stop slavery?

when did Frederick Douglass help end slaves

Many slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?

slavery was common in the Bible

What was compensated emancipation?

Lincoln proposed ending slavery in the nation's capital by paying slaveholders to free their slaves.

How did Harriet Tubman inspire Fredrick Douglass?

she did somthing better and helped slaves get out of slavery and she was into the same slavery was as he was

What did Slaveholders continually indoctrinated their slaves with the idea of?

Slaveholders continually indoctrinated their slaves with the idea of the God-given supremacy of whites. However, many slave songs and sermons showed hope that God would free them from slavery.

What metaphor was used in the book narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass?

One metaphor used in "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" is comparing slavery to a system of dehumanization, where slaves are treated as property rather than as human beings. Douglass uses the metaphor of darkness to represent the ignorance imposed on slaves by slaveholders to keep them submissive.

What do slaveholders think of educating slaves?

Slaveholders often oppose educating slaves because they fear that education will lead to discontent and rebellion among the enslaved population. They believe that keeping slaves ignorant and illiterate helps maintain control and perpetuate the institution of slavery.

What were pro-slavery responses to Frederick Douglass narrative?

Those who were pro-slavery responded to Frederick Douglass by saying his story was the exception to the rule. They claimed the violence against slaves was exaggerated. They also said slaves were inferior to white people and that is was only natural for them to be held as slaves.

What belief inspired Nat Turner to lead a group of slaves to kill slaveholders?

He believed that God had told him to end slavery.

What did slaveholders fear most?

Slaveholders feared slave revolts or uprisings the most, as these posed a direct threat to their power and control over their slaves. They were also concerned about losing their source of labor and facing financial ruin if their slaves rebelled or escaped. Additionally, slaveholders feared abolitionist movements and laws that could undermine the institution of slavery.

Why do you think most of the slaves sold to slaveholders in Texas arrived by sea?

Any slaves in Texas came with settlers. They did not arrive by ship. Only 5% of the slaves were in Texas and Mexico outlawed slavery.