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Normally it won't. What might be happening is if you have decimals in the calculations and some of the values have been rounded. In that instance a calculation may appear to be off, but it is still stored correctly, even if it is not displayed.

Another possibility is if you have a complex calculation and you are making a mistake in how you are doing it or how you are intepreting it. Also remember that Excel follows the laws of mathematics, and if you have any multiplications or divisions in the calculations, they will affect the order the operations are done. See the related question below.

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Q: Why does Excel give the wrong answer in subtraction?
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oreder of opertaiotn

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They are on the same level as each other. Mathematically, addition and subtraction have equal precedence and are done in a left to right order. Microsoft Excel is designed to follow the rules of mathematics, so they have equal precedence.

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Excel does not use format symbols. If this question is asking about arithmetic operators, the symbols are:Addition (+)Subtraction (-)Multiplication (*)Division (/)Exponent (^)

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No, changing order of vectors in subtraction give different resultant so commutative and associative laws do not apply to vector subtraction.

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nope. Multiplication is a form of addition. Division is a form of subtraction.

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Keep giving yourself drills and practicing the ones you get wrong over and over.

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Excel does not use paragraphs and is the wrong tool for writing letters or any kind of academic writing. I would recommend MS Excel instead.