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Why not? She can hang out with whoever she wants. It doesn't matter what their race is. People of all cultures and ethnicity's can be friends. Maybe they don't ask nosey racist questions about her personal life. it's not about ethnicity, it's about getting along with others, i think they're called the harujuku girls and they're gwen's posse cause she helped them. Now they go everywhere with her and help her out, or just hang out in her videos, whatever works.

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Q: Why does Gwen Stephanie hang out with Chinese girls?
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What is I Wish I Were Stephanie V?

" I Wish I Were Stephanie V" is the latest new chick flick that is wowing audiences at the festivals everywhere. Stars the yummy Clayton Watson from Matrix. Soon to be out at the cinemas. Hang in there!

Why does Mona think the girls ruined her life in Pretty Little Liars?

cause when they were younger ali and all the girls used to always hang out and they never let mona hang out with them and they would always be mean to her

How are Cherry and Marcia different from the girls the greasers normally hang out with?

I studied this book about two years ago and from what i can remember Cherry and Marcia are the girlfriends of the Sox's (or just friends of the Sox, cant remember which). This fact reveals that they are rich. Seeing as the Greasers are poor they would usualy hang out with poor girls as well. Therefore the difference between Cherry and Marcia and the other girls the greasers usualy hang out with is money, and therefore schooling and home life. Cherry and Marcia are complete opposites of the Greasers and any girls they hang out with. As i said i studied this two years ago and this is going from memory.

Summary urduja movie?

The movie tells the story of the chieftain's daughter, Urduja. In the village of Tawilisi, independent and headstrong Urduja suddenly finds herself betrothed to the arrogant Simakwel. It is her aged father's wish that she marry Simakwel, whom she openly dislikes. One day, she meets the Chinese pirate Lim Hang, who saves her from a Batyaw assassin. Sparks fly and the two immediately fall in love. Despite the old chieftain's dislike of foreigners, Lim Hang, together with his stoic Japanese friend, Daisuke, and their rodent companion, Kukut, gain the gratitude and trust of the village by helping end the conflict with the tree-dwelling Batyaws. Desperate to secure the throne and Urduja, Simakwel turns to Wang, a Chinese general who has been trying to capture Lim Hang. Wang threatened to invade the village of Tawilisi if Lim Hang was not surrendered. In an act of selflessness, Lim Hand gives himself up to save Urduja and her village. However, Wang goes back on his word and attacks the village anyway. With the help of Kukut and Daisuke, Lim Hang escapes and returns to Urduja's village. With the aid of skilled Batyaw warriors, Lim Hang, Daisuke, Urduja, and the village of Tawilisi triumph against Wang and his army. Urduja and Lim Hang marry and live happily ever after.

What is the name of the film in which a group of bored young boys and girls that hang outside of a small town gas station are visited by one of their friends who's become a rock star?

SubUrbia (1996). See the Related Link below.

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What is I Wish I Were Stephanie V?

" I Wish I Were Stephanie V" is the latest new chick flick that is wowing audiences at the festivals everywhere. Stars the yummy Clayton Watson from Matrix. Soon to be out at the cinemas. Hang in there!