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At the time, Force may have been down, but if its still not working email you will recieve an email back within a few days of sending it, if no replies, go to register, and ask someone in the shoutbox, if noone can answer scroll down till for find Force Hotel Bugs and Suggestions and click make a thread then write about your problem and more than likely you will get an answer.

- .Mel-Babesz

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Q: Why does Habbo Hotel retro not let you enter force?
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You eat poo all day!

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A "fake" Habbo is called a Retro Hotel or Server.

What is a good Habbo retro? does not give out or approve of the use of Habbo retro websites.When using them your expose your computer to risk and you can jepordize your account with Habbo. (It is a permanent ban for Terms of Service on Habbo Hotel).

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Unfortunately for all us habbo lovers, once you have purchased, or won credits on a different habbo site E.G (habbo france) or a habbo retro, they carnt be transferred to any other habbo site. sorry, and hoped this helped =]

Lmfao does habbo infect your PC with viruses?

No, not the original hotels. But if you are going to enter a Habbo Retro, then maybe...

Is Habbo a boring game?

it is boring! Go on force hotel, its a habbo retro and its much better than habbo hotel because on habbo hotel you need to buy credits with your own money when your on force hotel it gives you 50000c free when you start its amazing ! I GO ON IT EVERYDAY! It is the best thing to go onto. Plus Hardly anyone know about Force Hotel but you can change that.

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