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There are differing accounts mainly because the roles of Heracles and Jason in ancient mythology were similar. The myths of the Golden Apples and the Golden Fleece share a number of similarities, least of which is the theme. The etymology of the Greek words for sheep and apple are so similar that they are almost the same word.

That aside, the most common answers are:

- He was asked to leave by the ship itself, because his massive bulk was a burden. Remember, the ship could talk. This is likely the older of the two stories, and in it, he gets off at Aphetai, which is in Thessaly.

- His young companion, Hylas, was abducted by Water Nymphs and Heracles, along with Polyphemus, searched for him so long that Jason decided to leave them at the Spring of Pegae, lest his quest be delayed. In Roman mythology, Hercales is actually Hylas' father.

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Q: Why does Hercules abandon the quest of the Golden Fleece?
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