

Why does Horus not kill Set?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why does Horus not kill Set?
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What does the struggle between set and Horus represent?

The struggle between Set and Horus represent the rising of the Nile (Horus) and the desert (set). When upper and lower Egypt unite, Egyptian artwork will show Set and Horus crowning the Pharaoh.

How did horus avenge his dad's death?

When the father of Horus is Osiris; Set, the brother of Osiris and Isis (the mother of Horus) killed the father of Horus.

Why was Horus named The avenger?

In one myth Set, the uncle of Horus, killed Osiris, the father of Horus, and Iris his mother raised Horus to avenge Osiris and replace Set as king. Hence, the avenger.

How did seth kill isis?

In Egyptian myth, Set did not kill his sister Isis, he killed Osiris her husband and brother in a attempt to become the ruler of Egypt. Isis revived Osiris and had Horus who was Set's rival for the throne.

Did horus commit any crimes?

Depends on if your thinking in modern 'crime' or ancient 'crimes'; in short however he, unlike Set, did not kill anyone.

Is nut the mother of Horus?

When this is Elder Horus, the brother of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.

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Why was Horus the god of kings?

because Set killed Horus' father the kin actual king

Did horus kill anybody?

If you mean the god,yes.

Did horus avenge anybody?

Yes, his father, Osiris, was killed by his brother Set, and Horus son of Isis and Osiris took the throne of Set.

How did horus kill seth?

Horus had stuffed Seth in a sarcophagus and sent him down the Nile, and he never returned again