

Why does Iran deny the Holocaust?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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A historically false claim, it is not necessarily Iran, but their leaders who deny the Holocaust. They do this a part of a series of other absurd claims in order to justify destroying Israel.

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I don't think there is anything called the 'Iran Holocaust'.

Did Reagan deny the holocaust?

he knew it happened

Was Iran apart of the Holocaust?

No, dont be silly

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Many Muslim countries do not recognize Israel.Some Arabs and some other Muslims believe that the Holocaust is misused to enhance the legitimacy of Israel.Many go a stage further and find it convenient to deny the Holocaust altogether.

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The Holocaust

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Yes they do. What a wonderful country they have also. Leaders who hate America, threaten other countries, deny the holocaust, kill their own dissenters. Oh and cancel swim meets because an Israeli is competing. Yeah,,,,real mature,,,,

What is a Holocaust denier?

When 5-star general Dwight D. Eisenhower witnessed the liberation of Ohrdruf concentration camp, he knew people would deny it and he wanted the entire camp filmed. Today, there are some people who deny the Holocaust; all of them are anti-Semitic and hate Jews for one reason or another.

Is it illegal in America to say the holocaust never happened?

Of course it's not illegal in the US. There are 15 or 16 countries in Europe where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust in public.

What kind of people deny that there even was a Holocaust?

Please have a look at the related question below, which may answer your question.

Was Iran involved the Holocaust?

No. In 1941 the then Shah of Iran showed pro-Nazi sympathies, and the country was occupied jointly by Britain and the Soviet Union from 1941-1946.

Did the US sell arms to Iran during Reagan's term?

Yes, they illegally sold arms to Iran and finally admitted to it. They continued to deny that it was a part of any arms for hostages deal (See Iran-Contra Affair).

What does the American Historical Association say about the Holocaust?

"The American Historical Association Council strongly deplores the publicly reported attempts to deny the fact of the Holocaust. No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place." See link for reference and for background.