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Jen destroys Mrs. Dubose's garden out of frustration and anger towards her strict and critical ways. Jen feels stifled by Mrs. Dubose's expectations and boundaries, leading her to act out destructively.

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Q: Why does Jen destroy mrs dubose garden?
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Why does jem destroy mrs dubose's flower gradern?

Jem destroys Mrs. Dubose's flower garden out of anger and frustration towards her insults and criticism towards him and his family. It is a reaction to his emotions boiling over after enduring her verbal abuse.

What is the first punishment that Mrs. Dubose doles out to the children?

Mrs. Dubose initially punishes the children for walking through her garden by making them read to her for a month.

What does jem use to destroy mrs duboses flowers?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem uses Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellia plants as a means of retaliation after Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus. This act ultimately leads to Jem reading to Mrs. Dubose as a punishment.

What gardens do Scout and Jem enter?

they enter mrs dubose garden jem actually steps all over it due to mrs dubose talking bad about atticus, and also mr ewells although its not really technically a garden all he has is a red geranium in a jar

What did Atticus say to Mrs Dubose as he approached her on her porch?

Atticus said to Mrs. Dubose, "I missed you today."

What was the real purpose of Jem reading to Mrs. Dubose?

Jem read to Mrs. Dubose as a way to fulfill his punishment for ruining her garden, but also to provide comfort and company in her final days as she struggled with an addiction to morphine. Mrs. Dubose requested the reading as a means to help her overcome her addiction and die free from the control of drugs.

What chapter does Jem kill Mrs. Dubose's azaleas in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem knocks the heads off Mrs. Dubose's CAMELLIAS, NOT azaleas. (It is instead Miss Maudie who nurtures azaleas in her garden.). This happens in Chapter 11, page 114 (may vary depending on your particular book).

What kind of plant does Jem destroy in Mrs. Dubose's yard in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem's punishment was that he had to read to Mrs. Dubose every week.He learned about her morphine addiction,and was very sad for making fun of her and being rude to her because she was actually quite nice.In the end,Mrs. Dubose dies,and leaves Jem the candy box that was in her home,and inside was one of the flower tops that had grown back after Jem had cut all the tops off.Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose after school everday and on Saturday. He had to do for two hours and for one month.

What does Jem do after the negative comment made by mrs Dubose?

He destroys Mrs. Dubose's garden using Scout's new baton that Jem had bought with his own money. He got punished for this by being made help Mrs.Dubose in her home, where they find out that she was a morphine addict.

Why was Jem angry with Mrs Dubose?

because mrs. dubose said that atticus "lawed for n word"

Who is jen in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jen is likely a typo or error. There is no character named Jen in the novel. However, the protagonist is Scout Finch, a young girl who narrates the story based on her observations of her father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer in a racially charged Southern town.

What does Mrs. Dubose say that pushes Jem over the edge What does he do to retaliate Why does Atticus defend Mrs. Dubose?

Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus and calls him names for defending Tom Robinson. Jem responds by destroying Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes. Atticus defends Mrs. Dubose because he believes in showing compassion and understanding towards others, even those who may hold different views or attitudes.