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Q: Why does Jess on Bridge to Terabithia resent being called lazy?
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bridge to terabithia is not getting band

What is the moral of Bridge to Terabithia?

The moral of Bridge to Terabithia is that friendship can bring hope, healing, and strength in the face of adversity. It also emphasizes the importance of imagination and creativity in coping with life's challenges.

How did Leslie get may belle to go away in bridge to terabithia?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," Leslie persuades May Belle to go away by promising to take her to Terabithia the next day. May Belle agrees to leave them alone by being assured of the adventure that awaits her in Terabithia.

What is the moral lesson of Bridge to Terabithia?

the moral of bridge to terabithia is friendship, imagination, and being yourself. :)

In the 2007 movie Bridge to Terabithia why does Jesse blame himself for Leslie's death?

The rope they swang on broke, and she fell into the water (which was overflowing).

Who is Judy in Bridge to Terabithia?

Judy is the younger sister of the protagonist, Jess Aarons, in the novel "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson. She is a minor character who is shown as being mischievous and playful. Judy is often seen tagging along with her brother as he navigates through the challenges of growing up.

Why is Jesse secretive about his drawing in Bridge to Terabithia?

Jesse is secretive about his drawing in "Bridge to Terabithia" because he is afraid of being judged or criticized. He doesn't want others to see his vulnerable side or to risk having his artistic expression invalidated. Jesse's reserved nature also stems from his insecurity and fear of not being understood or accepted by his peers.

What does Lisa hill have to do with the book Bridge to Terabithia?

Lisa Hill is a minor character in the book "Bridge to Terabithia." She is a classmate of Jess and Leslie, the main characters, and is known for being mean-spirited and spreading rumors about Leslie. Lisa Hill's negative attitude serves as a contrast to Leslie's imaginative and kind-hearted nature.

How were Jess's feelings for May belle in Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson?

In the book "Bridge to Terabithia," Jess's feelings for May Belle are portrayed as loving and protective. Jess cares for May Belle deeply and takes on a sense of responsibility for her well-being, especially after the death of Leslie. Their sibling relationship is shown to be strong and supportive throughout the story.

What is the outcome in Bridge to Terabithia being banned or challenged?

"Bridge to Terabithia" has been banned or challenged in some schools due to concerns over its content, which includes themes of death and grief. However, many argue that the book's exploration of these difficult topics is valuable for young readers in fostering empathy and understanding. Ultimately, the decision to ban or challenge the book varies by school or community.

What is the climax of Bridge to Terabithia?

Leslie Burkes grief-stricken parents leave the area, and Jesse builds a bridge to Terabithia. He takes May Belle, and while he knows no one could ever replace Leslie as the Queen, terabithia needs a new one, and he knows Leslie would want that too.

Why did Jess's parents worry about him in the book the bridge to tarabithea?

Jess's parents worried about him in the book "Bridge to Terabithia" because he was withdrawn and isolated himself after Leslie's death, sinking into a deep state of grief. They were concerned about his emotional well-being and wanted him to open up and share his feelings with them.