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Q: Why does Mary warren like her role in the court?
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Was Mary warren regarded by the community as a good Christian?

Yes, Mary Warren was regarded as a good Christian. The court thought highly of her as she took the position and role in applying her knowledge to seek witches.

What is Mary Warren's role in The Crucible?

Mary Warren played the role of John and Elizabeth's maid after Abigail Williams, and she is forced to confess her lying to the Court all along for trying to frame Elizabeth by leaving a poppet in the Proctor household. She is easily manipulated and frightened as the girls begin to imitate her whilst she is asked by Parris to faint as she and the girls did in the beginning. But being struck with fear, Mary isn't able to faint. In the end of Act three, she turns on John Proctor by calling him the Devils man, and announcing that Proctor would hang her is his wife, Elizabeth, hangs for being accused of a witch.

What is the judge's role in juvenile court?

The judge presides over the court and passes judgment, just like a judge in any other court does.

Did the change from the Warren Court to the Burger Court affect a basic shift in the role of the Supreme Court in American society?

Not really. Both the Warren and Burger Courts were considered liberal and activist, although the liberal Warren Court gradually shifted toward a more conservative posture as Republican Presidents made new appointments. Chief Justice Earl Warren strongly believed in civil rights, egalitarianism, and in extending Constitutional protection to those traditionally excluded from full participation in our society, and this general trend continued under Chief Justice Warren Burger, at least in the early years of his tenure. The big change came during the Rehnquist Court, after a succession of Republican Presidents had opportunities to fill vacancies on the Court. This shifted the tenor of the Court toward conservative, where it remains today (and probably will for years to come, due to the conservative faction being younger and healthier than most of the liberal faction).

Which era of the US Supreme Court was most famous?

The Marshall Court (1801-1835) was most influential in terms of shaping the role of the Judicial Branch and the federal government in general. The Warren Court (1953-1969) was most influential in terms of advancing civil rights and incorporating the Bill of Rights to the States.

How did President Eisenhower feel about his appointment of California Governor Earl Warren to the US Supreme Court?

Warren led the Court to many decisions that supported liberal principles.

In which movie did Warren Beatty play the role of a cartoon detective?

Dick Tracy

What was Joseph Warren's role in the Revolutionary War?

He was a stateman and a solider in the war!:D

In which movie did Cameron Diaz play the role of Mary?

There's Something About Mary

What is the role of the court service?

The role of the court service is to keep proceedings from the Court run in a timely and organized manner. The court service has several employees which keep track of trial history.

What has the author Mary A Kowalczyk written?

Mary A. Kowalczyk has written: 'Role differentiation in task oriented groups' -- subject(s): Role playing

What role did religion play in court life?

Court life as in ROYAL COURT, or court life as in COURT OF JUSTICE AND LAW ?