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Q: Why does Merlin try to dissuade Arthur marrying Guinevere?
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What did Merlin foresee about Arthur marrying Guinevere?

He foresaw the destruction of the Round Table.

What did Merlin do before King Arthur become king?

he told arthur that he would be a great king, but then arthur met guinevere and Merlin told arthur if he married guinevere she would be his downfall and the downfall of his kingdom

Who is Guinivere in Merlin?

Guinevere was just Lady Morgana's maid when Uther was at the throne. Guinevere soon became close to Prince Arthur and when Arthur became King he choose Guinevere to be his Queen.

What are some characteristics of King?

Arthur, Accalon, Ontzlake, Vivien, guinevere Domas, Merlin.

Why does Merlin prophesy about Guinevere?

Merlin prophesies about Guinevere because he has the ability to see the future and knows her important role in the destiny of Camelot. Guinevere is a central figure in the Arthurian legends, and Merlin's prophecies often involve key characters and events in the kingdom's history.

What are the ratings and certificates for Merlin - 2008 Lancelot and Guinevere 2-4?

Merlin - 2008 Lancelot and Guinevere 2-4 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12

Why did King Arthur create the round table?

he used his awsome skill to get a round table naa just joken Merlin cut it from a massive tree he used his awsome skill to get a round table naa just joken Merlin cut it from a massive tree

Does Gwaine know Merlin has magic?

Morgana in the TV series, Merlin, is said to be King Uther's ward, But really in the legend she is Arthur's evil step sister Morgan La Feye. In the first series there is some suspision into whether Arthur and Morgana fancy/love each other and the same with Merlin! But soon after Arthur is in love with Guinevere which is in the Arturian Legend. So that leaves Merlin but soon after in late Season 3 and 4, She is evil and hates both of them.So, Morgana loves niether Arthur nor Merlin.

Who plays Gwen in Merlin?

Her name is Katie McGrath. :)

How did Arthur find out Merlin has magic?

Arthur hasn't YET. Only Lancelot, Gaius, Merlin's mother, Merlin's friend from his old village Will and Merlin himself (obviously) know that Merlin is a sorcerer. Lets keep our fingers crossed that Arthur does find out, If Merlin tells Arthur, imagine Arthur's face, or if Arthur realizes Merlin is a sorcerer and confronts him, imagine Merlin's face!! Added by Queen Arwen: Arthur may not have found out yet, but apparently he will in Season 5. This is from reliable sources, and is not just hearsay!

Who was Merlin in King Arthur?

Stephen Dillane was Merlin in 2004 movie King Arthur.

What part on Merlin that Arthur knows that Merlin has magic?

Arthur doesn't know yet.