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Yeah Mrs. L is kinda lame like that. If all I do is cry and cry and cry then I'm pretty lame so yeah she is kinda lame. Lame people shouldn't try to be a teacher. I'm pretty sure that because she is still trying to be a teacher even if she cry and cry and cry and cry. Crying is dumb. I haven't cried since I was like 6 and I'm like 12 now. That almost 7 years of not crying. I'm a beast. One time I even scraped my knee and It was bleeding and I didn't cry. I mean what is Mrs. L crying about anyways? You should check her knees and see if they are scraped cause if they are it prolly hurts and she could be crying cause it hurts and she prolly isn't as tuff as me cause Im 12 and im tough and if i was bleeding even on both knees and an elbow is till wouldn't cry like that. if i was crying like that i sure wouldn't try to be a teacher couse i coulnt teech well. i am 12, so i coud prolly teach things like math and add and subtract and i wouldn't even cry when i did it. multiplication is kinda hard though right now but i mean i know what your saying about crying and stuff like that.

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Q: Why does Mrs L try to be a teacher i mean all she does is cry and cry and cry?
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