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Q: Why does Odysseus send three men to seach the land?
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Why does Odysseus send three of his best men into the land of the Lotus Eaters?

Odysseus sent two men and the man under them to the land of the Lotus Eaters to see what type of people the Lotus Eaters were, if they were friendly and the like.

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To the land of death

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She sends him to the land of the dead to talk with Tireasais

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circe sends odysseus to the underworld

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The three creatures Utnapishtim sends out to see if there is land are three birds. He sent a dove, a raven, and a swallow.

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How does Odysseus escape from calypso's isle?

He doesn't escape, he's let go. After Zeus says it's time to send Odysseus home, he describes what will happen on this last leg of the journey. Then, he send Hermes to tell Calypso it's time to send Odysseus away. She gives Odysseus some tools, they go into the forest and he builds himself a ship. She gives him some cloth, he makes sails. She supplies him and send him on his way.

Who send Odysseus back to Ithaca?

The Phaeacians sent Odysseus back to Ithaca thanks to their king, King Alcinous.

How does Odysseus escapes from nausicaa?

Nausicaa was a protagonist. Odysseus and her were very fond of one another. She was princess of Phaeacia, and her father helped send Odysseus back to Ithaca, his homeland. Therefore, Odysseus never "escaped" from her.

What goddess pities Odysseus?

Athena is generally the goddess who pities Odysseus, and pleads with the Gods to send him home. Calypso also pities Odysseus when she finds him washed up on her shores, and she nurses Odysseus back to health.