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when it comes into contact with bacteria.

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Q: Why does Pepto-Bismol turn black when you mix it with contaminated water?
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When was Let's Make the Water Turn Black created?

Let's Make the Water Turn Black was created in 1968.

What is cholera how does it spread?

Cholera is a dreadful disease caused by unsanitary conditions found along rivers which pioneers stopped to camp at. It is caused by contaminated water. They do human waste on the rivers and they drank the water. They threw animal carcasses on the river which they drank. They threw food on the rivers which caused the water in river to turn into an contaminated water which they drank caused cholera. Sadly, the emigrants did not realize that they will get cholera from the contaminated water.

How water is contaminated?

To tell how acidic it is you can use pH strips. --- Hopefully not. There's so much chlorine in our tap water that when you turn on the cold water it smells like a swimming pool.

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A sterile field is considered contaminated if you turn your back to the sterile field because the sterile items are considered out of vision.

Why does water turn black with a yellow flame?

It doesn't. Get your facts right.

When you mix rainbow colors in water it turn black?

no. it makes white.

Why did your well water turn yellow after a rain?

You may have a very shallow well and it's getting contaminated by groundwater. Take a sample in a sterilised container for biological testing.

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Can you use grill charcoal in your terrarium?

No you cannot. It will turn the sand and water black.

Why would water turn black when rinsing a glass coffee pot with just the coffee residue left in it?

The glass could have traces of magnesium in it which when combined with hard water would create magnesium-oxide. This chemical change would turn the water black.

How do clouds turn black?

clouds get black by the smoke and when its going to rain the water from the sea turns in gas and then goes on clouds.

What will make copper tubing turn dark gray black?

Bad Preperation. Or water.