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Why does Plato believe that only Philosophers are fit to rule?

Rather than the practical pursuit we are accustomed to, for Plato, Politics is an intellectual faculty. Governance by non-philosophers is to be governed by opinions, beliefs and self-interest; in contrast the philosopher ruler will govern with virtue and justice with no hidden agenda. The philosopher is in love, in love with learning, knowledge and truth. It is important to make a distinction here between the acquisition of knowledge and the acquisition of truth, because knowledge is not necessarily the truth.

With the help of an allegory, Plato explains the sensible world of illusion and belief, the place where most people reside. The philosopher has stepped outside this world, into a world of knowledge and truth. Plato makes use of a cave to explain this; I will use another means. A child believes in the myth of Santa Claus, a child has good reason to suppose this myth is true, it is inculcated when he receives Christmas presents, the media, family and friends consolidate the belief, the child even writes to Santa Claus and receives a reply. On Christmas Day this belief becomes a 'reality'. Through education and maturity, the child will have doubts as to the truth of this illusion. At some stage during the transition from childhood to adulthood he will acknowledge the illusion, and further, during parenthood the myth really comes home to roost as knowledge and absolute truth. (He now has a choice; he can put an end to the myth or continue the cycle) What is distinctive regarding each stage, is how far they have come out of the cave. Through illusion and belief to knowledge, or from artisan to auxiliary to philosopher.

The fundamental prerequisite to becoming a philosopher ruler is to have knowledge of the forms, therefore knowing the truth. The forms do not exist in the sensible world, they can only be found in the super-sensible world. Platos' theory of the forms is partly logical and partly metaphysical. The logical part is, take for example a dog, there will be many types of dog, and general particulars regarding a dog. The form of a dog is universal and eternal it has no position in space or time, it is not born when a dog is born, nor does it die when a dog dies. The metaphysical part of the theory is the form of a dog is a perfect, unique dog, created by God. The dog is real, particular dogs are apparent. Armed with this truth, the philosopher rulers will always make the right decisions, and rule with total wisdom, justice and virtue. The rulers will not own property, nor have money, they will be free of vices, excesses and desires. They will have a Spartan existence (Plato was an admirer of Spartan culture). A ruler in Platos' society as described in his dialogue The Republic would be incorruptible, an absolute model of sensible world perfection and justice. If one was to look no further into Platos' utopian society you could be forgiven for thinking that the philosopher rulers would be the ultimate answer for political duties and government administration. A more detailed examination of policy and structure is necessary, prior to arriving at a conclusion.

The structure in Platos' society is tripartite and hierarchical, made up of the philosopher kings as rulers. The auxiliaries who will be in a sort of military role (prospective rulers) and the artisans (workers) who will produce all the consumable and non consumable goods deemed necessary for consumption and the continued economic viability of the society....cont'd

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Plato argues that philosophers would make the best rulers because they have a love for truth and wisdom, and therefore possess the knowledge required to govern wisely and justly. He believed that philosophers possess the intellectual capacity to understand and pursue the common good, rather than their own personal interests, making them ideal rulers for a just society.

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Q: Why does Plato believe that philosophers would make the best rulers?
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Under Plato's ideal society the rulers would be?

Philosopher-kings, who are individuals with a deep understanding of truth, goodness, and justice. Plato believed that these rulers would lead society with wisdom and virtue, ensuring the well-being of the citizens.

Why did Plato think that kings and philosophers should rule?

Plato believed that philosophers possessed the wisdom and knowledge needed to govern justly and effectively. He argued that rulers who were guided by reason and virtue, as philosophers are, would prioritize the well-being of the entire society over their own interests. This would lead to a harmonious and just society.

Why were the philosophers interested in sharing their beliefs with European rulers?


Who did Plato believe that should rule a country?

Plato believed that philosopher-kings, individuals who possessed both wisdom and a love for truth, should rule a country. He argued that these rulers would govern in the best interests of the people, ensuring a just and harmonious society.

How did Plato think that philosophers should be the leaders of governments?

Plato believed that philosophers were best suited to govern due to their pursuit of knowledge, virtues, and wisdom. He thought that their understanding of truth and justice would lead to a more just and efficient government, guided by reason rather than self-interest. Plato believed that philosophers, through their love of truth and the greater good, would rule in the best interest of the state as a whole.

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Under Plato's ideal society the rulers would be?

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What did Plato accomplish?

Plato was a philosopher in ancient Greece known for founding the Academy in Athens, one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in the Western world. He wrote numerous dialogues, including "The Republic," where he explored a wide range of topics such as ethics, politics, and metaphysics. Plato's philosophical ideas continue to influence Western thought and he is considered one of the greatest philosophers in history.

Would you like to live in Plato's ideal society?

Many people would live in Plato's ideal society because it focused on education and justice. People who believe in a democratic state may object to it though.

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